Thursday, February 20, 2014

March Classes!

Saturday, March 1 
10:30: "March in the Garden" Our monthly first Saturday  series where we will go over the to-do list for the coming weeks
11:30: Seasonal Cooking Demo with Jeremy

Saturday, March 8th
10:30: "Growing First Aid in your Garden" with Grace Bryce, Clinical Herbalist and owner of Gracie's Garden LLC
11am - 3pm - 15 minute chair massages by Happy Spring Day. $15 Reserve your space by calling 512.240.4715

Saturday, March 15th
11:30am Seasonal Cooking Demo with Jeremy

Saturday, March 22nd
10:30am "Growing Tomatoes Organically" with Michelle
11:30am "Nutrition for Increased Energy" with Certified Nutrition Health Coach Sandra Brougher

Saturday, March 29th 
10:30am " Growing Cucurbits" with Michelle. Learn how to grow squash, cucumbers and melons chemical free.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 8th: Intro to Aquaponics with Joe Schram of Jo Li Farms

Come join us at the Monument Market for another exciting Saturday morning talk! This Saturday, February 8th, at 10:30 am we're hosting Joe Schram of Jo Li Farms for his presentation on Aquaponics. Come learn about an exciting alternative to conventional farming that uses up to 90% less water than other traditional farming methods. It'll be another great class!