Thursday, June 27, 2013

The In's and Out's of Gluten!

Seems like every time I turn around there is a new gluten free product on the market or another article touting the benefits of why one should go gluten free.

What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt and kamut. Contrary to what some think, oats do not contain gluten. However, because most oats are processed in factories where wheats are processed, there is the chance of cross contamination.

Also, gluten is not limited to grains.  Gluten can be found in soy sauce, salad dressings, spices and some beauty products.  One must be vigilant and become their own label reader.

Who needs to avoid gluten? Anyone with Celiac disease and anyone who has tested positive to having a gluten sensitivity.

Celiac disease affects less than 1% of the population, is considered an auto-immune illness and when gluten is ingested it can be extremely painful.

For those who do not have celiac but are sensitive to gluten, their symptoms can manifest in many different ways.  Gluten is said to contribute to over 200 different ailments.  From depression to joint pain to ADD to name a few.

Avoiding gluten does not mean you have to give up some of your favorite foods, in fact the gluten free market has grown by leaps and bounds.  What you do have to be careful about, is just because it says gluten free, it does not mean it is low calorie and healthy for you.

Here at the The Market we carry several different gluten free items. We carry several different baking mixes for biscuits, pancake and cake making.

We also carry a variety of flavored pastas from Texas Pasta Company.

Finally, we carry a variety of fresh made bread loaves and brownies, that are just downright delicious.

If you or someone in your family is having to avoid gluten, make sure you stop on in at The Market and pick up some of the wonderful products and give them a try.

Happy Health,