Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This week's product that I am highlighting are supplements. Were you aware that The Market even carries supplements?  Well we do.

Bluebonnet Nutrition Supplements is a family owned company out of Sugar Land, Tx.  Their products are only sold in natural health and organic stores, like The Market.

They use the best ingredients available on the market and adhere to a standard they call the "Five Powers".  Nature, Science, Quality, Truth and Knowledge.

The market carries multi-vitamins, single vitamin and minerals, omega 3 capsules and some various herbs. Come on in and check out our inventory.

Switching gears, why would someone want to take supplements?  There are various reasons why.

  • Our soils are so depleted from over production, that most of the food grown is devoid or have very little nutrients. 
  • The SAD (standard American diet) is so deficient in vitamins and minerals one must supplement. 
  • Being deficient in important nutrients is what leads to illness, obesity, etc. 
Supplementation is not for everyone, but there are very good reasons that one may want to incorporate them into their daily routine.

If you have questions or are wondering what supplement is right for you, visit the market on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays from 11-3 for free nutritional advice. 

To your health,

In-house nutrition consultant