Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Water Your Trees!

Many trees in our area are suffering under drought stress. It is not to late to save our trees, but they will need some TLC to get them through until the next good rain. The Texas Forest Service has released a helpful video to teach us how to properly water our trees. http://www.youtube.com/TexasForestService

Another tree watering guide can be found at: http://www.austinheritagetreefoundation.com/

The highlights I have gleaned from these two sources are that you can know that your tree is getting enough water if the soil is moist down to at least 5 inches, and the most important area to water is from the drip line (the edge of the canopy) to about halfway to the trunk. This is where a mature tree absorbs most of its water. Trees planted less than 3 years ago will need water right at the trunk.

Aside from watering, a 3inch layer of organic mulch starting about 3 inches from the trunk and going all the way to the drip line can help hold water, keep the soil cooler and feed the microbial life in the soil around your tree. Now is a great time to apply or reapply mulch around all of your trees. If you are a Georgetown Utility Customer, you can get free mulch. Find out more here: recycle.georgetowen.org/mulch