Thursday, August 9, 2012

Save Your Own Seeds

Dill seeds are easy to save!

I am so excited to have Heather Kasper from Kasper Farm coming in on Saturday at 10:30am to talk to us about saving our own seeds. By saving the seeds from the most successful and delicious veggies in your garden you are adapting plants for your specific micro-climate and soil, preserving genetic diversity, and saving money. Not to mention that learning the art of saving seeds will bring you even more intimately in touch with the rhythm of your garden. And it is fun!

We would also like to invite y'all to participate in a mini seed exchange. If you already have some seeds that you've saved in the past, bring them to trade with others. In December we are planning to have a larger seed exchange so we can all share the seed harvest from the skills we learn this weekend!

Join us for this free class!