Saturday, April 5, 2014

April Events in the Market!

Saturday April 5th
10:30 am “April in the Garden” with Michelle. This is our monthly First Saturday series where we cover the garden "To-Do" list for the month.
Saturday April 12th
10:30am Guest Speaker Garden Workshop: “Organic Pest Control featuring Neem Oil” with Obie Lansford from RoT Organics. Obie will explain the science behind organic gardening and pest control in an accessible way, while still bringing new information and techniques to light for even the most seasoned gardeners.
11am-3pm 15 minute chair massages by Certified Massage Therapist Happy Spring Day for $15. Reserve your space by calling ahead: 512-240-4715
Saturday April 19th
11am to 1pm EGGstravaganza – Bring the Kids out to find Easter Eggs in the Monument Gardens and trade them for spring goodies in the Market!

Saturday April 26th
9am – 3pm Hands On Permaculture Workshop: Help us build a new permaculture garden outside the Market while learning about Permaculture principals, water-wise gardening and alternative garden bed designs. Please register at the market or by calling 512-240-4715
11:30am Seasonal Cooking Demo With Cindy Harrington